This has been years in the pipeline, but what with the pandemic and our dental projects in Sierra Leone on hold, it finally took off.

Every first Sunday in the month we open our doors, at Acton Town Dental Practice, officially to the homeless and destitute. We have been working alongside our homeless charity partners:

  • Acton Homeless Concern

  • Ealing Soup Kitchens

  • The Upper Rooms

  • St Mungos

  • Thames Reach

The above charities kindly advertise and help facilitate our services. They manage the transport to and from the practice as well as making sure all our patients are kept safe and happy.

Eligible people who can access our services are:

  • Homeless

  • Destitute (not receiving benefits)

  • Refugees, (not receiving benefits)

  • In special cases people who may be receiving benefits but who are assessed not to have the social skills to access services.

On the day our patients are provided with hot/cold beverages and hot meals courtesy of “The Village Kitchen”.

The local vicar, Rev. Dean Ayres, comes along to have a chat and lend a sympathetic ear to our patients in the outdoor waiting area.

The dentistry we provide is comprehensive and of the highest standard. This can be from having a check-up and a hygiene clean to crowns, bridge work, dentures as well as braces. This is made possible by partnering up with Estetica Dental Labs, one of the most advanced labs in West London.

The day is very popular and rewarding for all participants, with more of a carnival feel than going to the dentist! While still managing to be fully compliant!!

Throughout the rest of the month, this service continues to be available to:

  • Patients whose treatment was not completed on the day.

  • Emergencies which are logged in via the charities.

  • People who were unable to attend on the official days.

Patients Treated Each Month

We have also partnered with Acton Gardens Community Centre who have kindly offered their large hall and facilities for our Sunday events. This means we will be able to offer entertainment, bands and choirs, as well as additional services such as barbers and hairdressers, while the patients wait!

This project I believe is the only one in the country and we are very proud that it has been running for over a year.

Through mentoring and support, our aim is to create a nationwide network of practices to run projects like ours, providing dental services to these forgotten communities.

Here are a few articles that have been published.

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